Intro to RoaringBitmap | Every bit matters!
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最开始学到这个单词的时候,还是19年秋选修《计算机视觉》、《计算机图形学》的时候,那个时候连想起来的中文词语含义还是点阵图像 ,比如 BMP格式的图片文件,这里的bit是颜色深度,越深表示颜色分辨率越好,图片显示效果越好。比如我们常见的RGB的Hex颜色表示法,0xff00ff
就是紫色 。
这次的主角是bitmap-index/algorithm, 用bit位来进行海量规模记录/查询的数据结构。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 class Bitmap {private : std::vector<uint32_t > bits; public : Bitmap (size_t size) : bits ((size + 31 ) / 32 , 0 ) {} void set (size_t i) { bits[i / 32 ] |= (1ull << (i % 32 )); } void clear (size_t i) { bits[i / 32 ] &= ~(1ull << (i % 32 )); } bool test (size_t i) const { return (bits[i / 32 ] & (1ull << (i % 32 ))) != 0 ; } };
假设我们有 10 亿个不同的元素,要对这些元素的存在性进行存储。如果使用传统的数据结构(如数组或散列表),每个元素需要一个独立的存储单元,这可能占据很大的内存空间。
1 , 000 , 000 , 000 × 4 B ≈ 4 × 1024 × 1024 × 1024 B = 4 × 1024 M B = 4 G B \begin{aligned}
1,000,000,000\times 4 B &\approx 4 \times 1024 \times 1024\times 1024 B \\
&= 4\times 1024 \space MB \\
&= 4\space GB \\
1 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 × 4 B ≈ 4 × 1 0 2 4 × 1 0 2 4 × 1 0 2 4 B = 4 × 1 0 2 4 M B = 4 G B
而使用 Bitmap,我们可以将这 10 亿个元素映射到一个二进制位图上,其中每个位表示一个元素的存在性。如果每个元素用一个位表示,那么我们只需要 10 亿 bits,或者约 119 MB 的内存空间。
1 , 000 , 000 , 000 b ≈ 1024 × 1024 × 1024 b = 1024 M b = 128 M B \begin{aligned}
1,000,000,000 \space b &\approx 1024\times 1024\times 1024\space b \\
&= 1024\space Mb \\
&= 128\space MB \\
1 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 b ≈ 1 0 2 4 × 1 0 2 4 × 1 0 2 4 b = 1 0 2 4 M b = 1 2 8 M B
比如,如果候选库很稀疏 的话,比如只有{0, 1, 3, 800000000} 这四个元素,却需要 800000000/32* 4 = 100000000 个字节,大概需要100MB的内存空间来记录,太可怕了。
bitmap要存储的一般都是int*类型的整数,uint32_t可以表征的范围是[0, 4294967295],大约能存储43亿的数据,大于某电商的全库商品/某短视频的全部视频数量;一般情况是够用了。
Roaringbitmap 将int32分段处理,高16位当作container的index;低16位用来在具体的container中存储,二者组合起来就可以在bitmap对象中找到某个int32的值。把[0, 2^32) 的数据空间分段处理,表示为[0, 1<< 16)、[1<< 16, 2<<16)、[2<<16, 3 << 16) … 总共 1<<16个段——也就是高16位的索引范围。
(数组元素是高16bit,2个字节的值),每一个元素都是一个容器指针,这个容器指向一个16bit数据的集合(低16位); 容器类型可以动态变化,根据每一个bucket的实时存储量来动态调节,来最大化利用内存空间。
roaringbitmap主要有三类container: Array Container, Run Container 和 Bitset Container.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 typedef struct roaring_array_s { int32_t size; int32_t allocation_size; void **containers; uint16_t *keys; uint8_t *typecodes; uint8_t flags; } roaring_array_t ; typedef struct roaring_bitmap_s { roaring_array_t high_low_container; } roaring_bitmap_t ;
1 2 3 4 inline int32_t ra_get_index (const roaring_array_t *ra, uint16_t x) { if ((ra->size == 0 ) || ra->keys[ra->size - 1 ] == x) return ra->size - 1 ; return binarySearch (ra->keys, (int32_t )ra->size, x); }
为container类型数组,数组大小和keys保持一致,typecodes[i] 表示H16 = keys[i]的bucket的容器类型,主要有以下几种
Array Container
1 2 3 4 5 struct array_container_s { int32_t cardinality; int32_t capacity; uint16_t *array; };
顾名思义,Array Container 存储的是一个array<uint16_t>数组,未来快速查询/插入,array被设计成一个有序数组,在添加元素或者删除元素的时候,都需要维持顺序,可以通过二分查找(binary search) 加速。
element的类型都是unsigned short int
当插入元素超过4096的时候,array container会被动态转换为Bitset Container
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 inline int32_t ra_get_index (const roaring_array_t *ra, uint16_t x) { if ((ra->size == 0 ) || ra->keys[ra->size - 1 ] == x) return ra->size - 1 ; return binarySearch (ra->keys, (int32_t )ra->size, x); }
以131090插入为例,其H16位为 0000 0000 0000 0010 = 2,L16 位为 0000 0000 0001 0010 = 10这个bucket会指向一个array_container_s
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 static inline int array_container_try_add (array_container_t *arr, uint16_t value, int32_t max_cardinality) { const int32_t cardinality = arr->cardinality; if ((array_container_empty (arr) || arr->array[cardinality - 1 ] < value) && cardinality < max_cardinality) { array_container_append (arr, value); return 1 ; } const int32_t loc = binarySearch (arr->array, cardinality, value); if (loc >= 0 ) { return 0 ; } else if (cardinality < max_cardinality) { if (array_container_full (arr)) { array_container_grow (arr, arr->capacity + 1 , true ); } const int32_t insert_idx = -loc - 1 ; memmove (arr->array + insert_idx + 1 , arr->array + insert_idx, (cardinality - insert_idx) * sizeof (uint16_t )); arr->array[insert_idx] = value; arr->cardinality++; return 1 ; } else { return -1 ; } }
首先如果 容器为空、容器最大值小于要插入的值value(low 16-bit),直接在最后插入。
二分查找元素 value,返回index offset 为 loc;
loc >= 0 表示已经有这个元素了,直接返回
cardinality >= max_cardinality 表示当前容器满了,返回-1,在后续逻辑中会动态转化为bitset container.
在容器没超过上限的的情况下 检查容器是否已经满; ⚠️注意,这里的满指的是已经申请的空间是不是完全用完了,而不是是否超过4096,如果是用完了,就需要扩容;
1 2 3 static inline bool array_container_full (const array_container_t *array) { return array->cardinality == array->capacity; }
将[insert_idx, end] 的元素整体向后移动一位memmove
BitSet Container
bitset 容器则是一个经典的bitmap实现,真正的做到了用每一个bit来表征一个值的存在。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 struct bitset_container_s { int32_t cardinality; uint64_t *words; }; enum { BITSET_CONTAINER_SIZE_IN_WORDS = (1 << 16 ) / 64 , BITSET_UNKNOWN_CARDINALITY = -1 }; bitset_container_t *bitset_container_create (void ) { bitset_container_t *bitset = (bitset_container_t *)roaring_malloc (sizeof (bitset_container_t )); if (!bitset) { return NULL ; } size_t align_size = 32 ; bitset->words = (uint64_t *)roaring_aligned_malloc ( align_size, sizeof (uint64_t ) * BITSET_CONTAINER_SIZE_IN_WORDS); if (!bitset->words) { roaring_free (bitset); return NULL ; } bitset_container_clear (bitset); return bitset; }
cardinality 表示当前的元素总量。
words 是一段内存空间,用来存储[0, 1<<16)数据,每一个数据需要一个bit,所以大小固定为 1 << 16 / 64 个 uint64_t的空间。
以插入32786(高H16 = 0000 0000 0000 0000,低L16 = 1000 0000 0001 0010)为例,在第0个类型为BitMap Container的容器中,查找第1000 0000 0001 0010个bit是否为0/1.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 static inline bool bitset_container_add (bitset_container_t *bitset, uint16_t pos) { const uint64_t old_word = bitset->words[pos >> 6 ]; const int index = pos & 63 ; const uint64_t new_word = old_word | (UINT64_C (1 ) << index); const uint64_t increment = (old_word ^ new_word) >> index; bitset->cardinality += (uint32_t )increment; bitset->words[pos >> 6 ] = new_word; return increment > 0 ; }
这段代码里面写的有点简略,这里面的6,63 都没有解释,最好用个宏定义起来,比如:
1 2 #define UINT64_T_ARRAY_BIT_INDEX 6 #define UINT64_T_MASK 0x3f
old_word 是pos对应的bit所在的qword
index 表示pos在old_word里面的第index个bit上
new_word = old_word | (UINT64_C(1) << index);
increment 用到了异或运算来快速找到从old_word到new_word是否有变化
increment > 0 表示之前pos不存在于pos里面,return true
increment 表示第pos个bit在add之前就已经是1了,无需操作return false
Run Container
Run Container 是一个经典的Run-Length Encoding(RLE, 行程长度编码)设计。
它的主要思想是将连续的整数序列表示为一个 “run”,其中包含起始值和长度,比如[0,99)。这种编码方式可以显著减小存储空间,特别适用于表示连续的整数序列。在array container 或者 bitset container中有大量idle word的时候(稀疏),RLE container或许是一个很好的选项。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 struct run_container_s { int32_t n_runs; int32_t capacity; rle16_t *runs; }; typedef struct rle16_s { uint16_t value; uint16_t length; } rle16_t ; run_container_t *run_container_create_given_capacity (int32_t size) { run_container_t *run; if ((run = (run_container_t *)roaring_malloc (sizeof (run_container_t ))) == NULL ) { return NULL ; } if (size <= 0 ) { run->runs = NULL ; } else if ((run->runs = (rle16_t *)roaring_malloc (sizeof (rle16_t ) * size)) == NULL ) { roaring_free (run); return NULL ; } run->capacity = size; run->n_runs = 0 ; return run; }
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 bool run_container_add (run_container_t *run, uint16_t pos) { int32_t index = interleavedBinarySearch (run->runs, run->n_runs, pos); if (index >= 0 ) return false ; index = -index - 2 ; if (index >= 0 ) { int32_t offset = pos - run->runs[index].value; int32_t le = run->runs[index].length; if (offset <= le) return false ; if (offset == le + 1 ) { if (index + 1 < run->n_runs) { if (run->runs[index + 1 ].value == pos + 1 ) { run->runs[index].length = run->runs[index + 1 ].value + run->runs[index + 1 ].length - run->runs[index].value; recoverRoomAtIndex (run, (uint16_t )(index + 1 )); return true ; } } run->runs[index].length++; return true ; } if (index + 1 < run->n_runs) { if (run->runs[index + 1 ].value == pos + 1 ) { run->runs[index + 1 ].value = pos; run->runs[index + 1 ].length = run->runs[index + 1 ].length + 1 ; return true ; } } } if (index == -1 ) { if (0 < run->n_runs) { if (run->runs[0 ].value == pos + 1 ) { run->runs[0 ].length++; run->runs[0 ].value--; return true ; } } } makeRoomAtIndex (run, (uint16_t )(index + 1 )); run->runs[index + 1 ].value = pos; run->runs[index + 1 ].length = 0 ; return true ; }
Run Container的查找和插入稍微复杂一点,涉及区间数组和查找,增删合并。很久很久之前在秋招的时候经常刷到这种面试题
56. 合并区间
1288. 删除被覆盖区间
int32_t index = interleavedBinarySearch(run->runs, run->n_runs, pos);
:通过二分查找(interleaved binary search)找到整数 pos
在 Run Container 中的位置。如果找到了,index
if (index >= 0) return false;
:如果 pos
已经存在于 Run Container 中,则直接返回 false
index = -index - 2;
:将负的 index
if (index >= 0)
a. 如果 offset <= le
,表示 pos
已经存在于当前行程(run)中,无需添加,返回 false
b. 如果 offset == le + 1
,表示 pos
c. 如果以上条件不满足,检查是否需要与下一个行程进行合并。
如果 index == -1
:表示 pos
如果上述条件都不满足,说明需要插入一个新的行程。调用 makeRoomAtIndex
函数为新行程腾出空间,并将新的行程信息添加到 Run Container 中。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 BITSET_CONTAINER_FN (or , |, _mm256_or_si256, vorrq_u64)BITSET_CONTAINER_FN (union , |, _mm256_or_si256, vorrq_u64)BITSET_CONTAINER_FN (intersection, &, _mm256_and_si256, vandq_u64)BITSET_CONTAINER_FN (xor , ^, _mm256_xor_si256, veorq_u64)BITSET_CONTAINER_FN (andnot, &~, _mm256_andnot_si256, vbicq_u64) #define BITSET_CONTAINER_FN(opname, opsymbol, avx_intrinsic, neon_intrinsic) \ int bitset_container_##opname(const bitset_container_t *src_1, \ const bitset_container_t *src_2, \ bitset_container_t *dst) { \ const uint64_t * __restrict__ words_1 = src_1->words; \ const uint64_t * __restrict__ words_2 = src_2->words; \ uint64_t *out = dst->words; \ int32_t sum = 0; \ for (size_t i = 0; i < BITSET_CONTAINER_SIZE_IN_WORDS; i += 2) { \ const uint64_t word_1 = (words_1[i])opsymbol(words_2[i]), \ word_2 = (words_1[i + 1])opsymbol(words_2[i + 1]); \ out[i] = word_1; \ out[i + 1] = word_2; \ sum += roaring_hamming(word_1); \ sum += roaring_hamming(word_2); \ } \ dst->cardinality = sum; \ return dst->cardinality; \ }
在CRoaring的代码中,用到了大量的SIMD指令集来加速bitset的求交集、求并集等基础操作, 如下
Intel® Intrinsics Guide
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 #if CROARING_COMPILER_SUPPORTS_AVX512 #define BITSET_CONTAINER_FN(opname, opsymbol, avx_intrinsic, neon_intrinsic) \ int bitset_container_##opname(const bitset_container_t *src_1, \ const bitset_container_t *src_2, \ bitset_container_t *dst) { \ int support = croaring_hardware_support(); \ if ( support & ROARING_SUPPORTS_AVX512 ) { \ return _avx512_bitset_container_##opname(src_1, src_2, dst); \ } \ else if ( support & ROARING_SUPPORTS_AVX2 ) { \ return _avx2_bitset_container_##opname(src_1, src_2, dst); \ } else { \ return _scalar_bitset_container_##opname(src_1, src_2, dst); \ } \ } #define AVX_BITSET_CONTAINER_FN2(before, opname, opsymbol, avx_intrinsic, \ neon_intrinsic, after) \ static inline int _avx2_bitset_container_##opname(const bitset_container_t *src_1, \ const bitset_container_t *src_2, \ bitset_container_t *dst) { \ const __m256i *__restrict__ words_1 = (const __m256i *)src_1->words; \ const __m256i *__restrict__ words_2 = (const __m256i *)src_2->words; \ __m256i *out = (__m256i *)dst->words; \ dst->cardinality = (int32_t)avx2_harley_seal_popcount256andstore_##opname( \ words_2, words_1, out, \ BITSET_CONTAINER_SIZE_IN_WORDS / (WORDS_IN_AVX2_REG)); \ return dst->cardinality; \ }
bitset 的集合操作很简答,可以复用C/C++的位运算符,在intrinsics指令集里面,也有很好的支持,可以用一系列的宏定义避免代码重复。
union |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 void array_container_union (const array_container_t *array_1, const array_container_t *array_2, array_container_t *out) { const int32_t card_1 = array_1->cardinality, card_2 = array_2->cardinality; const int32_t max_cardinality = card_1 + card_2; if (out->capacity < max_cardinality) { array_container_grow (out, max_cardinality, false ); } out->cardinality = (int32_t )fast_union_uint16 (array_1->array, card_1, array_2->array, card_2, out->array); } size_t union_uint16 (const uint16_t *set_1, size_t size_1, const uint16_t *set_2, size_t size_2, uint16_t *buffer) { size_t pos = 0 , idx_1 = 0 , idx_2 = 0 ; if (0 == size_2) { memmove (buffer, set_1, size_1 * sizeof (uint16_t )); return size_1; } if (0 == size_1) { memmove (buffer, set_2, size_2 * sizeof (uint16_t )); return size_2; } uint16_t val_1 = set_1[idx_1], val_2 = set_2[idx_2]; while (true ) { if (val_1 < val_2) { buffer[pos++] = val_1; ++idx_1; if (idx_1 >= size_1) break ; val_1 = set_1[idx_1]; } else if (val_2 < val_1) { buffer[pos++] = val_2; ++idx_2; if (idx_2 >= size_2) break ; val_2 = set_2[idx_2]; } else { buffer[pos++] = val_1; ++idx_1; ++idx_2; if (idx_1 >= size_1 || idx_2 >= size_2) break ; val_1 = set_1[idx_1]; val_2 = set_2[idx_2]; } } if (idx_1 < size_1) { const size_t n_elems = size_1 - idx_1; memmove (buffer + pos, set_1 + idx_1, n_elems * sizeof (uint16_t )); pos += n_elems; } else if (idx_2 < size_2) { const size_t n_elems = size_2 - idx_2; memmove (buffer + pos, set_2 + idx_2, n_elems * sizeof (uint16_t )); pos += n_elems; } return pos; }
Fast_union的实现可以看成是两个有序数组合并的问题,经典到不能再经典的面试题:88. 合并两个有序数组 这里不再赘述。
Intersection &
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 int32_t intersect_skewed_uint16 (const uint16_t *small, size_t size_s, const uint16_t *large, size_t size_l, uint16_t *buffer) { size_t pos = 0 , idx_l = 0 , idx_s = 0 ; if (0 == size_s) { return 0 ; } int32_t index1 = 0 , index2 = 0 , index3 = 0 , index4 = 0 ; while ((idx_s + 4 <= size_s) && (idx_l < size_l)) { uint16_t target1 = small[idx_s]; uint16_t target2 = small[idx_s + 1 ]; uint16_t target3 = small[idx_s + 2 ]; uint16_t target4 = small[idx_s + 3 ]; binarySearch4(large + idx_l, (int32_t )(size_l - idx_l), target1, target2, target3, target4, &index1, &index2, &index3, &index4); if ((index1 + idx_l < size_l) && (large[idx_l + index1] == target1)) { buffer[pos++] = target1; } if ((index2 + idx_l < size_l) && (large[idx_l + index2] == target2)) { buffer[pos++] = target2; } if ((index3 + idx_l < size_l) && (large[idx_l + index3] == target3)) { buffer[pos++] = target3; } if ((index4 + idx_l < size_l) && (large[idx_l + index4] == target4)) { buffer[pos++] = target4; } idx_s += 4 ; idx_l += index4; } if ((idx_s + 2 <= size_s) && (idx_l < size_l)) { uint16_t target1 = small[idx_s]; uint16_t target2 = small[idx_s + 1 ]; binarySearch2(large + idx_l, (int32_t )(size_l - idx_l), target1, target2, &index1, &index2); if ((index1 + idx_l < size_l) && (large[idx_l + index1] == target1)) { buffer[pos++] = target1; } if ((index2 + idx_l < size_l) && (large[idx_l + index2] == target2)) { buffer[pos++] = target2; } idx_s += 2 ; idx_l += index2; } if ((idx_s < size_s) && (idx_l < size_l)) { uint16_t val_s = small[idx_s]; int32_t index = binarySearch(large + idx_l, (int32_t )(size_l - idx_l), val_s); if (index >= 0 ) buffer[pos++] = val_s; } return (int32_t )pos; }
比较值得一看的是 binaryseach4, binarysearch2 和binary_search的过程,有点意思
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 static void binarySearch4 (const uint16_t *array, int32_t n, uint16_t target1, uint16_t target2, uint16_t target3, uint16_t target4, int32_t *index1, int32_t *index2, int32_t *index3, int32_t *index4) { const uint16_t *base1 = array; const uint16_t *base2 = array; const uint16_t *base3 = array; const uint16_t *base4 = array; if (n == 0 ) return ; while (n > 1 ) { int32_t half = n >> 1 ; base1 = (base1[half] < target1) ? &base1[half] : base1; base2 = (base2[half] < target2) ? &base2[half] : base2; base3 = (base3[half] < target3) ? &base3[half] : base3; base4 = (base4[half] < target4) ? &base4[half] : base4; n -= half; } *index1 = (int32_t )((*base1 < target1) + base1 - array); *index2 = (int32_t )((*base2 < target2) + base2 - array); *index3 = (int32_t )((*base3 < target3) + base3 - array); *index4 = (int32_t )((*base4 < target4) + base4 - array); }
Difference &~
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 void run_container_andnot (const run_container_t *src_1, const run_container_t *src_2, run_container_t *dst) { if (dst->capacity < src_1->n_runs + src_2->n_runs) run_container_grow(dst, src_1->n_runs + src_2->n_runs, false ); dst->n_runs = 0 ; int rlepos1 = 0 ; int rlepos2 = 0 ; int32_t start = src_1->runs[rlepos1].value; int32_t end = start + src_1->runs[rlepos1].length + 1 ; int32_t start2 = src_2->runs[rlepos2].value; int32_t end2 = start2 + src_2->runs[rlepos2].length + 1 ; while ((rlepos1 < src_1->n_runs) && (rlepos2 < src_2->n_runs)) { if (end <= start2) { dst->runs[dst->n_runs++] = MAKE_RLE16(start, end - start - 1 ); rlepos1++; if (rlepos1 < src_1->n_runs) { start = src_1->runs[rlepos1].value; end = start + src_1->runs[rlepos1].length + 1 ; } } else if (end2 <= start) { rlepos2++; if (rlepos2 < src_2->n_runs) { start2 = src_2->runs[rlepos2].value; end2 = start2 + src_2->runs[rlepos2].length + 1 ; } } else { if (start < start2) { dst->runs[dst->n_runs++] = MAKE_RLE16(start, start2 - start - 1 ); } if (end2 < end) { start = end2; } else { rlepos1++; if (rlepos1 < src_1->n_runs) { start = src_1->runs[rlepos1].value; end = start + src_1->runs[rlepos1].length + 1 ; } } } } if (rlepos1 < src_1->n_runs) { dst->runs[dst->n_runs++] = MAKE_RLE16(start, end - start - 1 ); rlepos1++; if (rlepos1 < src_1->n_runs) { memcpy (dst->runs + dst->n_runs, src_1->runs + rlepos1, sizeof (rle16_t ) * (src_1->n_runs - rlepos1)); dst->n_runs += src_1->n_runs - rlepos1; } } }
if (dst->capacity < src_1->n_runs + src_2->n_runs)
:如果 dst
的容量不足以容纳两个输入 Run Container 的所有行程(runs),则调用 run_container_grow
函数来扩展 dst
dst->n_runs = 0;
:初始化 dst
的行程数量为 0。
初始化一些变量,如 rlepos1
,用于迭代两个输入 Run Container 的行程。
使用 while
循环迭代两个输入 Run Container 的行程,执行以下操作:
如果 end
小于等于 start2
,表示当前 src_1
的行程没有与 src_2
的行程重叠,将 src_1
的行程添加到 dst
如果 end2
小于等于 start
,表示当前 src_2
的行程在当前 src_1
的行程之前结束,更新 src_2
如果当前 src_1
和 src_2
处理迭代结束后可能剩余的 src_1
如果 rlepos1 < src_1->n_runs
,表示还有未处理的 src_1
行程,将其添加到 dst
将未处理的 src_1
行程复制到 dst
仍然以array container为例吧
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 int32_t xor_uint16 (const uint16_t *array_1, int32_t card_1, const uint16_t *array_2, int32_t card_2, uint16_t *out) { int32_t pos1 = 0 , pos2 = 0 , pos_out = 0 ; while (pos1 < card_1 && pos2 < card_2) { const uint16_t v1 = array_1[pos1]; const uint16_t v2 = array_2[pos2]; if (v1 == v2) { ++pos1; ++pos2; continue ; } if (v1 < v2) { out[pos_out++] = v1; ++pos1; } else { out[pos_out++] = v2; ++pos2; } } if (pos1 < card_1) { const size_t n_elems = card_1 - pos1; memcpy (out + pos_out, array_1 + pos1, n_elems * sizeof (uint16_t )); pos_out += (int32_t )n_elems; } else if (pos2 < card_2) { const size_t n_elems = card_2 - pos2; memcpy (out + pos_out, array_2 + pos2, n_elems * sizeof (uint16_t )); pos_out += (int32_t )n_elems; } return pos_out; }
初始化三个指针 pos1
分别表示 array_1
和 out
使用 while
如果 array_1[pos1]
等于 array_2[pos2]
如果 array_1[pos1]
小于 array_2[pos2]
,表示 array_1
的当前元素较小,将其存储到 out
中,然后移动 array_1
如果 array_2[pos2]
小于 array_1[pos1]
,表示 array_2
的当前元素较小,将其存储到 out
中,然后移动 array_2
如果 pos1
没有遍历完 array_1
,将剩余的元素复制到 out
如果 pos2
没有遍历完 array_2
,将剩余的元素复制到 out
返回 pos_out
,即存储结果的数组 out
Container Switching.
1 2 3 4 5 6 bitset_container_t *bitset_container_from_array (const array_container_t *arr) ;bitset_container_t *bitset_container_from_run (const run_container_t *arr) ;array_container_t *array_container_from_run (const run_container_t *arr) ;array_container_t *array_container_from_bitset (const bitset_container_t *bits) ;run_container_t *run_container_from_array (const array_container_t *c) ;
Array -> BitSet
当bitmap运行时,比如add了很多的数据导致array container的cardinality超过了4096的上限,会触发bitset_container_from_array
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 bitset_container_t *bitset_container_from_array (const array_container_t *ac) { bitset_container_t *ans = bitset_container_create (); int limit = array_container_cardinality (ac); for (int i = 0 ; i < limit; ++i) bitset_container_set (ans, ac->array[i]); return ans; } static inline void bitset_container_set (bitset_container_t *bitset, uint16_t pos) { const uint64_t old_word = bitset->words[pos >> 6 ]; const int index = pos & 63 ; const uint64_t new_word = old_word | (UINT64_C (1 ) << index); bitset->cardinality += (uint32_t )((old_word ^ new_word) >> index); bitset->words[pos >> 6 ] = new_word; }
alloc一个bitset_container_t ans
,并获取当前需要转换的array_container_t ac
遍历这个container,把所有的元素在 ans
中对应的bit 置为1
Run -> BitSet
对于从run container的转换,逻辑其实也差不多。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 static inline void bitset_set_lenrange (uint64_t *words, uint32_t start, uint32_t lenminusone) { uint32_t firstword = start >> 6 ; uint32_t endword = (start + lenminusone) >> 6 ; if (firstword == endword) { words[firstword] |= ((~UINT64_C (0 )) >> ((63 - lenminusone) % 64 )) << (start % 64 ); return ; } uint64_t temp = words[endword]; words[firstword] |= (~UINT64_C (0 )) << (start % 64 ); for (uint32_t i = firstword + 1 ; i < endword; i += 2 ) words[i] = words[i + 1 ] = ~UINT64_C (0 ); words[endword] = temp | (~UINT64_C (0 )) >> (((~start + 1 ) - lenminusone - 1 ) % 64 ); }
uint32_t firstword = start >> 6;
:计算起始位置 start
uint32_t endword = (start + lenminusone) >> 6;
if (firstword == endword)
words[firstword] |= ((~UINT64_C(0)) >> ((63 - lenminusone) % 64)) << (start % 64);
uint64_t temp = words[endword];
words[firstword] |= (~UINT64_C(0)) << (start % 64);
for (uint32_t i = firstword + 1; i < endword; i += 2)
:循环设置两个相邻64位字中的所有位为1。注意,这里使用了 i += 2
words[endword] = temp | (~UINT64_C(0)) >> (((~start + 1) - lenminusone - 1) % 64);
今天先写到这里吧,最近阅读了一些类似elastic search的DSL filter,将海量数据的业务过滤逻辑用bitmap描述清楚,在线服务的时候用 filter op来试试过滤;例如Must
, MustNot
, range
Wu K, Stockinger K, Shoshani A. Breaking the curse of cardinality on bitmap indexes. SSDBM’08, Springer: Berlin, Heidelberg, 2008; 348–365.
Lemire D, Kaser O, Aouiche K. Sorting improves word-aligned bitmap indexes. Data & Knowledge Engineering 2010; 69(1):3–28, doi:10.1016/j.datak.2009.08.006.
Colantonio A, Di Pietro R. Concise: Compressed ’n’ Composable Integer Set. Information Processing Letters 2010; 110(16):644–650, doi:10.1016/j.ipl.2010.05.018.
Chambi S , Lemire D , Kaser O , et al. Better bitmap performance with Roaring bitmaps[J]. Software—practice & Experience, 2016, 46(5):709-719.